
Special Thanks

Since Sunday is a day of peace and reflection I thought I'd do some reflecting and dish out some Thanks.  It's been nearly 2 months since I started typing and talking here and there are a few people that have helped make these first couple months actually fun. Melissa from My world... in words and pages and Robyn from The Bookoholic Zone were probably the first 2 people to reach out and say hi.  And I'll never forget it.  They're both so nice and helpful and if you haven't visited their websites you should.  Then I was lucky enough to befriended Julie from Yummy Men and Kick Ass Chicks. I love her site, and she's funny and comes with some great book recs.  Kindness runs her family so much so that her husband made my Spinecracker button on the home page --->  over there. Colette from A Buckeye Girl Reads and Sally from The Qwillery are another couple sites I love and people who I enjoy chatting up on twitter. 

The other thing that trips me out (that I'm totally shocked by) is how approachable authors are.  I've yet to be laughed at by anyone.  Special thanks to Carolyn Crane, Kat Richardson, and Kelly Gay for answering my emails and tweets and being all-around warm. 

I'm from Texas originally, but moved to California 12 years ago for college, and maybe I've become like all the other SoCal people, too busy on your cell phones to smile at the stranger standing in line next to you, because I've been genuinely touched by the hospitality I've received.  It's hard when you've arrived late to party, so thanks to each of you for making me feel welcome.


  1. Jess, you're so sweet! It's been great chatting with you. I really enjoy how you write your reviews. And if you continue to focus mostly on UF titles, you'll be recommending some to me in no time since I bounce between UF and romance! :)

  2. Hey, see this is what I get when I fall waaayyyy behind in my blog reading ~ a kind hearted thank you like this. You are so welcome, and glad to have met you as it's been fun chatting about books with you (and all the other things in life as well). :) I'm glad I could help make this fun and easier for you.

    Thank you!

  3. :) That was incredibly nice! I enjoy our chatting immensely. Best of luck with your blog!
